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Terms and Conditions

Welcome to the website (the “Site”) operated by Short Stay by City Spaces (“Short Stay”). The following terms and conditions (the “Terms”) govern all use of the Site and all content, services, and products available at or through the Site. By accessing or using the Site, including the vacation rentals and short stay booking services (collectively, the “Service”), you (the “User”) agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree to all of these Terms, then you may not access the Site or use any services.

1. Accounts and Listings:

a. Account Creation: In order to access certain features of the Site, including listing a property, you must register to create an account. By creating an account, you agree to provide accurate and complete information and to keep such information up-to-date.

b. Listing Properties: Property owners (“Owners”) may list their properties on the Site at no upfront cost. Owners are responsible for ensuring that all property information listed on the Site, including availability, pricing, and property details, is accurate, current, and complies with all applicable laws.

c. Managed Properties: Owners have the option to sign up entire buildings to be managed by City Spaces, which will oversee all aspects of the listing and will pay the landlord. In this case, City Spaces will handle all property management responsibilities relevant to the listing and booking on the Site.

2. Fees and Payments:

a. Owner Reservation Fee: Owners agree to pay Short Stay a fee amounting to 10% of the reservation cost for each booking made through the Site. This fee is deducted from the reservation subtotal before funds are disbursed to the Owner.

b. No Listing Fees: There are no fees required to create a listing on the Site. However, managed properties under the oversight of City Spaces will have their associated costs and payments settled between City Spaces and the Owner directly.

c. Guest Service Charge: Guests will incur a 5% service charge on the total rental amount, which will be added to the reservation cost at the time of booking.

d. Payment Processing: Payments for bookings made through the Site will be processed according to the payment method provided at the time of booking. The Owner acknowledges and agrees that such payments are subject to the terms and conditions of the payment processor used by Short Stay.

3. Booking and Cancellation Policy:

a. Booking Confirmation: A reservation is not considered confirmed until the Renter has paid the total amount due, including the rental amount, service charge, and any other applicable fees.

b. Cancellation: The cancellation policy shall be set by the Owner and clearly outlined in the property’s listing. Renters agree to be bound by the Owner’s cancellation policy when making a reservation. Short Stay is not responsible for issuing refunds outside of the established cancellation policy.

4. Obligations and Conduct:

a. Compliance with Laws: Both Renters and Owners are responsible for understanding and complying with all laws, rules, and regulations that apply to their use of the Site.

b. Respectful Conduct: Users of the Site are required to conduct themselves in a respectful manner. Short Stay reserves the right to suspend or terminate accounts for users who violate these Terms or engage in harmful or illegal conduct.

5. Changes to the Service and Terms:

Short Stay reserves the right to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, any part of the Service with or without notice. Short Stay also reserves the right to amend these Terms at any time and will update these Terms in the event of any such amendments. Continued use of the Site and Service after any such changes shall constitute your consent to such changes.

6. Disclaimer of Warranties and Liability:

The Site and Service are provided “as is” and “as available”. Short Stay hereby disclaims all warranties of any kind, express or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. Short Stay does not make any warranty that the Service will be error-free or that access thereto will be uninterrupted.

You understand that you use the Site and Service at your own discretion and risk. Short Stay shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages, including damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, or data.

7. Indemnification:

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Short Stay, its contractors, licensors, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from any claim or demand made by any third party due to or arising out of your use of the Site or Service, your violation of these Terms, or the infringement by you of any intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity.

8. Governing Law:

These Terms shall be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which Short Stay operates, without regard to principles of conflicts of law.

By using the website, you acknowledge that you have read these Terms and agree to be bound by them. If you have any questions regarding these Terms, please contact us at [].